I'm writing prose in English rarely, if ever. But I've decided to make this section to post some articles and scetches I'll make in future. Though, there is one fable I'd like to share, which was written in English and doesn't have a Russian equivalent yet:
Once upon a time there was a girl, Melladie – young, beautiful and pure. One morning she was sitting by the lake, brushing her hair, as she looked at her reflection in the water and said:
“I wonder where my real soulmate is. Who knows how much time I will spend searching for him? And when we’ll finally meet, I may be old and unattractive, and he will reject me...”
A lake fairy has heard it and told:
“I understand you, young maiden. I can cast a spell on you – you won’t get older and stay as beautiful and fresh as you are now until you’ll find the right person. And when you’ll finally meet a man you’re ready to spend your life with, you should just say: “I resigh a spell”, and you will age along with your beloved one”.
So, Melladie has started her search. She travelled a lot, saw many men, but was looking for a special one. And she found him. A young, handsome prince has fallen in love with her. It was a fairy-tale-come-true. Soon they got married, but the girl didn’t withdraw from the spell.
“There’s no hurry, – she thought. – We have a whole life ahead, so I can remove the spell a bit later”.
Two years have passed, and their relationship has started to become less and less satisfying. Prince and people of the country were expecting the heir, but Melladie’s body wasn’t able to change, so there was no chance to conceive. Prince hasn’t told anything to his young wife, and though she realized what was going on, the girl already wasn’t sure that she wants to give up her eternal beauty for him. She saw him tired, angry and depressed, and felt that their life is not as exciting as it was when they met. Eventually, after a trip to a distant land, the was bedridden with some awful disease that has disfigured him. Looking at his disformed face, Melladie thought to herself:
“Even before I've been noticing that he has changed, he’s not the man he used to be, not the one I fell in love with. Or maybe I was just blind from the very beginning? But now I clearly see that he’s not the best for me”.
She didn’t wait until he dies. Just quietly left one day to continue her quest for the perfect man. But from that time on Melladie didn’t stay with anyone for long. Every person had some drawbacks, so she moved on, always hoping that the next one will be better. After all, there was nothing to lose. Her body didn’t change, but the soul was withering inside, unripe and decomposed at the same time. And who knows, maybe she’s still wandering, looking for the best...