Zeynep Casalini - Dokunma bana

"Don't touch me"

Sen varken gücüm olurdu \ When you were around, I was strong

Zaman akmadan dururdu \ Time was standing still

Hatırlasana \ Come on, remember

Hani aşk seni yormuştu \ You've got tired of love

Yolun sonuna koymuştu \ Road has come to an end

Dokunma bana \ Don't touch me

Şimdi eskiye döner mi \ Is it possible to return to the past

Dönse de buna değer mi \ And if possible, is it worth it?

Cevaplasana \ Come on, answer

İnsan aynen durur mu \ Can a person remain the same

Ayrılık kolay oyun mu \ Is separation an easy game

Dokunma bana \ Don't touch me

Artık ben vazgeçtim \ I've already rejected

Yalnızlığı seçtim \ I've chosen lonelyness

Herşey bitti anlasana \ It's over, don't you understand

Dokunma bana, dokunma bana \ Don't touch me

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