Görmezdim önümü görmezdim, okudum yıllarca hep okudum \ I haven't seen anything in front of me, have been only studying for years
Okumaktan boynumu büktüm yoruldum \ From the studies I've hunched up and got tired
Bilmezdim adımı bilmezdim aradım her şehirde aradım \ I didn't know my name, was looking in every city
Koştum dere tepe aştım dolaştım \ I was running, came a long way, was wandering a lot
Kimin uğruna, ne uğruna \ For whom, for what...
Herkes köşesini kapmış iyi ama ben nası büyük adam olucam \ Everyone has grabbed their own corner, fine, but as I'll become a big man
Bir tek seni bana çok gördü dünya \ You're the only one world had denied to me
İyiler bu savaşı kaybetmiş peki ben nası büyük adam olucam \ Good ones have lost this war, well, but as I'll become a big man
Kötü olmak seni geri getirir mi acaba \ I wonder if being bad will bring you any result
Sevmezdim okulu sevmezdim, okudum yıllarca hep okudum \ I didn't love the study, have been only studying for years
Okumaktan boynumu büktüm yoruldum \ From the studies I've hunched up and got tired
Bilmezdim oyunu bilmezdim denedim her şekilde denedim \ I didn't know entertainment, I've tried in a lot of ways
Denemekle olmadı zaten yenildim \ It didn't work with the attempts, besides, I have overcome myself
Kimin uğruna, ne uğruna \ For whom, for what...
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