Gripin - Hayat mars etti

"Life won the backgammon"

Dene yanıl gör gerçeği geçmişi yok sayarak \ Try, blunder, see the truth, thinking that there's no past

Mutlaka görmen gerek bakana fark atarak \ You certainly have to see, noticing what you're looking at

Ağlayıp döndün yine başına dert açarak \ Crying, you got back again when mischief has stricken again

Derdini açman gerek dostunla tek atarak \ You'll have to reveal your grief, drinking with your friend

Hayat mars etti, üstelik zar tutarak yine \ Life won the backgammon, again throwing dice without even looking

Bense sıkıldım hep yek atmaktan kadere \ And I'm tired of throwing only "ones" to the fate

Hayat mars etti yine... \ Life won the backgammon again...

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